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Advertise on Glamping UK

Glamping UK is one of the top Glamping directories in the UK. We receive on average over 10,000 page views per day and have been consistently in the top 10 Glamping searches in Google for over 5 years!

To advertise your Glamping products with us click the button below to complete the short form and then make payment.

If you'd prefer for us to upload your details for you, send your information to and we'll put it all online for you.

Advertising costs are only £90.00 per annum!

Click here to advertise

  • Payment types

    Secure payment is made using the PayPal checkout facility using either your own PayPal account or a credit or debit card.

    You can choose to pay an annual amount

    If you'd prefer to pay by cheque or BACS, please get in touch and we can arrange for your listing to be setup and the cheque sent to us by post.

  • Up to 8 photographs

    You can upload up to 8 photographs into you listing gallery.

    Images must be in JPEG format and no larger than 2MB in file size.

    We appreciate that sometimes difficulties can be had when uploading photographs so if you'd prefer we can resize and upload them for you.

    Once you've setup your listing simply email them to us and we'll do the work for you.

  • Your logo

    Increase your brand awareness by adding your logo into your listing.

    Images must be in JPEG / PNG / GIF format and no larger than 2MB in file size.

    We appreciate that sometimes difficulties can be had when uploading images so if you'd prefer we can resize and upload them for you.

    Once you've setup your listing simply email them to us and we'll do the work for you.

  • Summary and description

    You can have a text summary and description of the products you sell.

    The summary is added in plain text format and limited to 500 characters to keep it nice and concise.

    The description is entered using a WYSIWYG editor so you can add your own formatting into the text.

    If you'd prefer we can add and format you're description, simply add the summary and complete the order then email us a document with your description and we'll do the hard work for you.

  • Contact information

    You can add your address details and telephone number.

  • Online enquiry form

    Each listing has it's own online enquiry form so the enquiries are sent directly to the email address you specify.

  • Account login

    You have account logins so you can login and update your information and images at any time.

    You can also view statistics about how many times your listing has been viewed or your web site visited from your listing.

  • Embedded YouTube video

    If you've got video and you want to embed it you can paste the video reference number into your setup screen sand the video is automatically displayed.

    If you're not sure how to do this or your video isn't on YouTube you can get into touch and we can help you to get it online.

  • Embedded Facebook wall

    Gold listings have the ability to embed their Facebook wall into their listing.

    If you're active on Facebook and want to keep everyone up to date with what you're doing the embedded Facebook wall is a great way to do this!

  • Social media links

    Links to your Twitter, Facebook and YouTube pages